Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What's that knocking at the door?

Opportunity.  We are all faced with it every day.  Some opportunities are positive and help us advance our lives, whether it be our career, friendships or personal growth that comes from introspection.  Other opportunities, however, do not always work toward our advantage yet we still may choose one direction over another.  How does one make the right decision when looking at life's crossroads?  Furthermore, what are the consequences of inaction or even making the 'wrong' decision?

I wish the answer were simple and that I possessed the wisdom to comprehend it.  If I had, I don't question my life would look very different than it does today, as would be the case with most people.  Is it not true, however, that every new beginning comes as a result of the completion of something else?  Otherwise stated; throughout our own life journey, isn't it often the case that opportunities arise as a result of a change in thinking, feeling, behavior, work (or working environment), discontent as well as other influences beyond our control?  If this is true, then it must also be safe to assume that any emotionally healthy person will make the 'right' decision regardless of the logic applied at the time the decision was made.  Will it truly be the right decision?  Perhaps, only time will tell.  But even if it only served an immediate or short term interest, what can be learned from the subsequent consequences of the decision?

For me, second guessing once a decision has been made is nothing short of futile, as nothing can be done to reverse the outcome.  Hopefully, we learn from previous experiences and apply our new understanding to future events.  Either way, what's most important is doing what one believes is best at the time.  In reality, that's all we can really do-rely on our instincts, hope it's in our own best interest, accept the outcome, learn from our mistakes and make the most of every day.

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